S.E.T.I. @ Home

Feb 26, 2003
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I have downloasded the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) at Home software that runs in the background on my PC (or when I'm off my PC) that's part of berkley's on-going research project. Basically, when i'm not using my system, it helps to analyse data from the Aracibo radio telescope obsevatory as part of the global search for aliens (yup - little green men).

This is nothing new, and i understand that there are quite a few similar mass computing projects, that seek to use the power of PC's on the web to help analyse the masses of data generated by research activities worldwide. Cancer research is another area, fopr example.

Does anyone else run the SETI program?

Anyon ecurrently running a similar program?

Be really interested to know.:thumb:

(Note: 1nteger would like to apologise for his bad typing as he is very drunk at this moment in time)
I run the United Devices Find A Cure for Cancer Program.

Basically, I 'crunch' 'proteins' that are scientific experiements to find a cure for cancer.

I'd rather try and find a cure for this scourge that is right here at home affecting us all than search for aliens that may not exist.

Just seems more beneficial to me, we probably all know somebody who lost their life to Cancer yet I don't think any of us has met an alien.

Some do argue though, that if we were to contact extraterrestrial life, they may have the knowledge for a Cancer cure.

However, due to the UD program, there have actually been some significant breakthroughs in Cancer treatment medicine.

I'd rather tackle the problems on this planet first, that's my way of thinking.

But, ya know, each to his own ;)
I run the windows XP flag screensaver...

Basically when my computer is idle it comes on and helps it look pritty :D ;)
I'd be interested in learning a little more about SETI, if you have got any more info on it 1nteger!
Cache-man said:
I'd be interested in learning a little more about SETI, if you have got any more info on it 1nteger!

Just bang 'SETI@home into Google m8!

I just got hold of Floppy's 'United devices Cure for Cancer' thingy too. (Thanks Flopps)

It's just nice, when I get asked what I see in computers, to be able to say that when I'm not using my rig, it's busy looking for a cure for cancer or searching the universe for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence. Funny thing is, tThey never believe me!:D
1nteger said:
Just bang 'SETI@home into Google m8!

I just got hold of Floppy's 'United devices Cure for Cancer' thingy too. (Thanks Flopps)

It's just nice, when I get asked what I see in computers, to be able to say that when I'm not using my rig, it's busy looking for a cure for cancer or searching the universe for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence. Funny thing is, tThey never believe me!:D

Nice one mate, spreading your resources, deffo cool :)
im running the cancer thing, i was going to run the SETI thing but i thought cancer was a bigger problem than little green men
Me__2001 said:
im running the cancer thing, i was going to run the SETI thing but i thought cancer was a bigger problem than little green men

Little green men? You've met my uncle then?