russian excel vlookup



Hi - I am trying to teach a colleague over the phone how to use the
vlookup function but he can't find it in the Russian version of excel
he's using - any one know what vlookup is called in russian language
excel? thanks if you can help!

Dave Peterson

Maybe you can cheat a bit.

Have him start a new worksheet or workbook (just to be safe)

Have him hit alt-f11 to get to the VBE (where macros live)
then hit ctrl-g to see the immediate window.

Have him type this and hit enter

range("a1").formula = "=vlookup(b1,c:d,2,false)"

And hit enter.

Then back to excel and have him read you the formula in A1 of the activesheet.


Maybe this will help with other formulas:

KeepItCool has a translator utility at:

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