Runtime Error?

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Every time I try to send my movie back into my camera, it doesn't work. After
the file is 28% complete, it stops working. After I exit, a pop-up comes on
and says something about a runtime error.

I've done this sort of thing many time before without problems. What gives?

The answer to this (if there is one) will depend on exactly where the failure
occurs. A good procedure would be to first save the video to hard
not involve your camera. If that step works then you are left with the camera.

Obtain a copy of a program called WinDV TThe program has two functions....fetch
from a DV camera or put too the camera. Use WinDV to put the video back to your
camera and before doing so, make sure that the camera is set to VCR or Playback
mode, that there is a tape WITHOUT the protection notch enabled, that the
camera has the option DV-IN enabled Not all cameras have that option, it does
not matter if you do not, so long as the camera itself can accept DV-IN....not
all do. Some incorrectly report that those purchased in Europe cannot do
DV-IN...that is wrong (my family have purchased three cameras in recent in France, one in England and one in the USA...all have DV-IN

If when using WinDV the procedure still fails then you may have a problem with
the camera, the Firewire cable, the firewire card or the instalation of the
card. I am told that the Texas Instruments chipset on some firewire cards do
not work so well in XP

Hope that helps a little

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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