Runtime error message

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I am running Windows XP Home Edition. I keep getting an error message that
says I have a runtime error. Do I wish to debug Line:11 Error: "null" is
null or not an object. I choose "Yes." Then I get a box which asks me to
select a debugger-new instance of MS Script editor. Do I wish to debug usig
selected debugger. I choose "Yes." Then it lists "Script," and I choose
"Yes" again. Then it says, "MS JScript runtime error: "null" is nul or not
an object," and gives me the following choices: Break, Continue or Help. If
I choose Continue, it takes me back to the question if I'd like to Break,
Continue or Help. If I choose Break, it shows a line on a script page and
then does nothing.
What do I need to do? Every time I am online, I get this message over and
over again. Please help!!!
Lori, next time you are in Internet Explorer>select Tools>Internet
Options>Advanced>Check Disable Script Debugging box
and Uncheck Display notification about every script error.