am opening the file through the GetOpenFilename method. I am facing an
error in of the cases... Like say or example i try and open a file with the
XYZ.xls...which is already open. the system generates a mess saying
"reopening will cause any changes you made to be discarded. do you want to
reopen XYZ.xls?"
if i click yes...it works fine by reopening the file but when i click to
No...Runtime error 1004 comes:
"Method open of object workbooks failed "
and its giving an error here in the code: Workbooks.Open Filename:=sFilename
how do i do the error handling in this case.
thanks a lot
am opening the file through the GetOpenFilename method. I am facing an
error in of the cases... Like say or example i try and open a file with the
XYZ.xls...which is already open. the system generates a mess saying
"reopening will cause any changes you made to be discarded. do you want to
reopen XYZ.xls?"
if i click yes...it works fine by reopening the file but when i click to
No...Runtime error 1004 comes:
"Method open of object workbooks failed "
and its giving an error here in the code: Workbooks.Open Filename:=sFilename
how do i do the error handling in this case.
thanks a lot