

I have designed a form to allow users to update the place and the time
of runners in a foot race. After users enter the first name, last name,
rank, place and/or time, they hit the Submit button to update the Place
and the Time of the given runner.

My problem is that I cannot get the UPDATE query to execute properly
after the user clicks on the Submit button. Everytime I hit Submit,
I get the following error:

Compile Error
Syntax Error

Here is the code that I have written again the Click event of the
submit button:

Private Sub Submit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE runners SET Place = '" & Me.Place "'," & _
" WHERE ([Last Name] = '" & Me.[Last Name] & "')" & _
" AND ([First Name] = '" & Me.[First Name] & "')" & _
" AND (Rank = '" & Me.Rank "')"
End Sub

The Last Name, First Name and Rank fields are text in both the form
and in table runners. The Place field is a number in both.

Can anybody spot the flaw here?



Brendan Reynolds

You're missing an ampersand here ...

" AND (Rank = '" & Me.Rank "')"

Should be ...

" AND (Rank = '" & Me.Rank & "')"

Matthias Klaey

Charles in Iraq said:

I have designed a form to allow users to update the place and the time
of runners in a foot race. After users enter the first name, last name,
rank, place and/or time, they hit the Submit button to update the Place
and the Time of the given runner.

My problem is that I cannot get the UPDATE query to execute properly
after the user clicks on the Submit button. Everytime I hit Submit,
I get the following error:

Compile Error
Syntax Error

Here is the code that I have written again the Click event of the
submit button:

Private Sub Submit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE runners SET Place = '" & Me.Place "'," & _
" WHERE ([Last Name] = '" & Me.[Last Name] & "')" & _
" AND ([First Name] = '" & Me.[First Name] & "')" & _
" AND (Rank = '" & Me.Rank "')"
End Sub

The Last Name, First Name and Rank fields are text in both the form
and in table runners. The Place field is a number in both.

In the first line, the comma at the end should not be there, and since
Place is numerical, do not use the single quotes around Me.Place.
Try this:

"UPDATE runners SET Place = " & Me.Place & _

Matthias Kläy


Thanks. That fixed the error with the Place. Now I'm trying
to enter the runner's time as well and am gettng the following

Run-time error 3144
Syntax error in UPDATE statement

Here's the code modified to update the runner's Time:

Private Sub Submit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE runners SET Place = " & Me.Place & _
", Time = '" & Me.Time & "'" & _
" WHERE ([Last Name] = '" & Me.[Last Name] & "')" & _
" AND ([First Name] = '" & Me.[First Name] & "')" & _
" AND (Rank = '" & Me.Rank & "')"
End Sub

Both Time in table runners and Time in the form have the Long
Time format. I got a feeling that I need to be us

I tried using Me.Time without the single quotes:

", Time = " & Me.Time & _

and Me.Time enclosed by #:

", Time = #" & Me.Time & "#" & _

but these statements gave the same error.


Matthias Klaey said:
Charles in Iraq said:

I have designed a form to allow users to update the place and the time
of runners in a foot race. After users enter the first name, last name,
rank, place and/or time, they hit the Submit button to update the Place
and the Time of the given runner.

My problem is that I cannot get the UPDATE query to execute properly
after the user clicks on the Submit button. Everytime I hit Submit,
I get the following error:

Compile Error
Syntax Error

Here is the code that I have written again the Click event of the
submit button:

Private Sub Submit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE runners SET Place = '" & Me.Place "'," & _
" WHERE ([Last Name] = '" & Me.[Last Name] & "')" & _
" AND ([First Name] = '" & Me.[First Name] & "')" & _
" AND (Rank = '" & Me.Rank "')"
End Sub

The Last Name, First Name and Rank fields are text in both the form
and in table runners. The Place field is a number in both.

In the first line, the comma at the end should not be there, and since
Place is numerical, do not use the single quotes around Me.Place.
Try this:

"UPDATE runners SET Place = " & Me.Place & _

Matthias Kläy

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