Running in subdomain


Benny Dein


I'm trying to run a simpel 2.0 web appl. on a hosted webserver.

The only place where my app can run is in the root directory on my domain.
It can't run in either a subdomain or a subfolder.

In the subfolder the error is:
It is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error
can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application
in IIS.
On the subdomain I can't se the detailed error message.

What can I do to enable using other directories than the root on my
web-hotel for web applications.


Jason Hales


Are you saying you can't create apps in subfolders because that's a
limitation of your hosting company, or because you can't get them to
work at all

The error is by design - it's to prevent configuration changes in any
web.config file from overriding those defined in the machine.config

To fix it you'll need to convert your sub-folder into an "Application".
Right click on the folder in IIS , choose Properties and the click the
Create button on the Application Settings section.

I assume you have remote access to your hosted server

Benny Dein

Thanks, I'm new into this thing, so I could use some advices.

I do not have access to the IIS server at my web hotel. I do only have the
rights to FTP upload files to my domain and to create subdomains.
When the files are placed in the root, my app. works, so the root folder
must already be defined as the Application on the IIS server.

Will I be able to redirect from the root by creating an aspx page here,
which opens a page on my subdomain or subfolder?

Lets say having following files:

bin directory

Sub folder test:

If redirecttest.aspx has code for redirecting to \test\test.aspx, will this

Do you get my point?

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