Running Totals not working after zero cell

  • Thread starter Thread starter dje
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to recreate a bank statement.

Rightly or wrongly I have pulled into the report a calculation for the
balance movement each day (based on queries calculating several transactions
for that day).
The running sum works until there is no movement for a day which shows in
the report as a "0" most likely through a "Nz([ ],0)" calculation after which
it stops calculating. e.g.
Move Run Bal
1/1/08 +100 100
2/1/08 +50 150
3/1/08 0 150
4/1/08 +25 150 etc etc

Is there any way to fix this?

Post the expression behind this field.

JET regularly misunderstands the data type when Nz() is used. There may be
another way to craft the expression.
Unfortunately I lost the report and cannot recreate the problem but I suspect
it related to NZ results being treated as non numeric. Through another thread
I have become aware of the CDbl and format functions and am hopeful this will
resolve my problem.

Thanks anyway.

Allen Browne said:
Post the expression behind this field.

JET regularly misunderstands the data type when Nz() is used. There may be
another way to craft the expression.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

dje said:
I am trying to recreate a bank statement.

Rightly or wrongly I have pulled into the report a calculation for the
balance movement each day (based on queries calculating several
for that day).
The running sum works until there is no movement for a day which shows in
the report as a "0" most likely through a "Nz([ ],0)" calculation after
it stops calculating. e.g.
Move Run Bal
1/1/08 +100 100
2/1/08 +50 150
3/1/08 0 150
4/1/08 +25 150 etc etc

Is there any way to fix this?
