Tina thank you it works great!
----- tina wrote: -----
you don't need a separate table. when you want to target members by
total-donations-to-date, you can use a Totals query.
open a new query in design view, change the view to SQL, and paste in the
following SQL statement (overwriting anything that is already in the SQL
view window):
SELECT MemberIDFieldName, Sum(DonationFieldName) AS SumOfDonation
FROM TableName
GROUP BY MemberIDFieldName
HAVING (((Sum(DonationFieldName))>1000));
substitute the correct table and field names, of course.
helegua said:
I'm working on a database and where donation amounts are entered for
members. When an amount is entered it goes into a table. I need to create
a table that will keep a running total of individual member donations to
date so that later that table can be used to run a select query of members
by donated amount (i.e. over $1,000 or 100-500, etc) in order to send out a
mailing to those specific groups.