Dear Duane Hookom :
Thank you again for your help.
There will be more than one transactions in the same day.
Therefore, the A.Date<= tblA.Date) as AccumTotal will not
done properly on the 2nd records on the same day.
This is what I expect to have :
01/01/2001 Travelling $100.00 $100.00
01/01/2001 Telephone 25.25 125.25
01/01/2001 Hydro 123.00 248.25
Do we need to set another sorting field to identify the
transaction. e.g. ID - this will then be unique.
When sorting in the query (design mode). If I going to
sort the [date] and [type] and [id] in ascending order,
how do we identify which field to sort first ?
The reason I stored the AccumTotal is just for use in some
other area without recalculated the same again. When new
entry is entered, requery will be done again.
-----Original Message-----
Select [Date], Category, Amount, (Select Sum(Amount) FROM tblA A Where
A.Date<= tblA.Date) as AccumTotal
Order By [Date];
This should create a query with a running sum of the amount. Is there a
reason you want to store this value? What would happen if you inserted an
older Date and amount into the table.
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Peter said:
Thanks for the reply, Dunae.
I have created a query for the fields - [date], [Category]
and [amount]. In addition, I create a field called
[AccumTotal] in the query. I am trying to use this field
to store the running total. I can sort this field into
ascending order of the [date] field. How I can get the
running total to store in this field ? Please help.
-----Original Message-----
You can't logically create a running total without a
field that determines
the order of the records. Do you have an Order By field?
Do you have a table
name? Do the resulting records need to be updateable?
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I have created a table of payment. I want to produce a
form that will give me an up to date balance (running
fields [category], [amount]
In the form, I like to show the running total of the
amount on each line.
Access have the running total function in report, but
donot have one in form.
Please help.