Running Sum Totals

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I have a report that has numerous totals and everything works fine except one
total needs to reset each time the member changes - I know it sound simple -
but the report has lots of running totals
MemberIDHeader - Nothing
TranactionDateHeader =Format$([TransactionDate],"mmmm yyyy",0,0)
AccountNumberHeader [AccountName]
Detail [TransactionDate] [DepositAmt]
AccountNumberFooter ="Total for " & [TransactionDate by Month] & " For " &
[AccountName] - Shows total deposits for each account number - Works Fine
Cumlativespecial =IIf([AccountNumber]<>"WR" And
[AccountNumber]<>"CS",Sum([DepositAmount])) -THIS IS A RUNNING SUM OVER GROUP
TransactionDateFooter =Sum([DepositAmount]) - This shows total of deposits
for each each Month - Works Fine
MemberIDFooter =Sum([DepositAmount]) Shows Grand Total of all Deposits by
member - Works Fine
=[Cumlativespecial] - I call for the total of cumlativespecial and it is
correct on the first member

cumlativespecial is not the only accounts I am trying to breakdown there is
also cumlativeweekly and cumlativecaptial.

If I make the cumlative... object running sum over group - they are not
added for each month - it resets at each transactiondate break.
The only way I can get the totals to be cumaltive over a total member is to
say over all
As I said it work fin on the first member - but keeps accumlating to each
member - I need to reset the variable to zero when the member changes.

Any assistance is appreciated.
Pdehner said:
I have a report that has numerous totals and everything works fine except one
total needs to reset each time the member changes - I know it sound simple -
but the report has lots of running totals
MemberIDHeader - Nothing
TranactionDateHeader =Format$([TransactionDate],"mmmm yyyy",0,0)
AccountNumberHeader [AccountName]
Detail [TransactionDate] [DepositAmt]
AccountNumberFooter ="Total for " & [TransactionDate by Month] & " For " &
[AccountName] - Shows total deposits for each account number - Works Fine
Cumlativespecial =IIf([AccountNumber]<>"WR" And
[AccountNumber]<>"CS",Sum([DepositAmount])) -THIS IS A RUNNING SUM OVER GROUP
TransactionDateFooter =Sum([DepositAmount]) - This shows total of deposits
for each each Month - Works Fine
MemberIDFooter =Sum([DepositAmount]) Shows Grand Total of all Deposits by
member - Works Fine
=[Cumlativespecial] - I call for the total of cumlativespecial and it is
correct on the first member

cumlativespecial is not the only accounts I am trying to breakdown there is
also cumlativeweekly and cumlativecaptial.

If I make the cumlative... object running sum over group - they are not
added for each month - it resets at each transactiondate break.
The only way I can get the totals to be cumaltive over a total member is to
say over all
As I said it work fin on the first member - but keeps accumlating to each
member - I need to reset the variable to zero when the member changes.

Boy, this kind of thing is confusing, but I think I might
have unraveled it. The TransactionDateFooter footer needs
an invisible(?) text box named txtTDRunCS with
=[Cumlativespecial] and RunningSum Over Group.

Then the MemberIDFooter can display the member total in a
text box with the expression =txtTDRunCS