Are you into VB code? Well, if not, this is your chance to start!
Open any existing module, or add a new one, and declare a public variable in
the Declarations section (top of the screen, right after "Option Compare
Database", and before the first sub or function):
Dim Rsum as Double
Then copy and paste in the following code:
Function Reset_Running_Sum()
Rsum = 0
End Function
Function Running_Sum(MyVar As Double)
Rsum = Rsum + MyVar
Running_Sum = Rsum
End Function
Now go to your query design, and and add a field in the grid:
Running Sum: = Running_Sum([Field1])
(change Field1 to the actual field name)
Last, you need a macro as follows:
Action Argument
RunCode Reset_Running_Sum()
OpenQuery QueryName
The idea is that, instead of running the query directly, you do it through
the macro, so it first runs the code that resets the running sum value to 0,
and then it runs the macro (which calls the Running_Sum function in every
Winston Abernathy said:
I would like to create a field in a query equal to the sum of a second
field in the query so that it is a running total of all values up to and
including the row where the sum is displayed. Sort of like this:
Field1 Summing Field
10 10
20 30
30 60
40 100
Any ideas on how to do this?
Winston Abernathy