I am trying to run a lump sum of data from a different
number of categories in the report footer, but it is just
pulling numbers from different regions, not pulling a sum
or even pulling them from one area for that matter.
This is how I have it set up
Region A
Dr.'s # EMT's #
Nurses # Police #
Region B
Dr.'s # EMT's #
Nurses # Police #
Report Footer
Dr.'s A#+B# EMT's A#+B#
Nurses A#+B# Police A#+B#
How do I get this footer to work?
number of categories in the report footer, but it is just
pulling numbers from different regions, not pulling a sum
or even pulling them from one area for that matter.
This is how I have it set up
Region A
Dr.'s # EMT's #
Nurses # Police #
Region B
Dr.'s # EMT's #
Nurses # Police #
Report Footer
Dr.'s A#+B# EMT's A#+B#
Nurses A#+B# Police A#+B#
How do I get this footer to work?