Running Sum in a form?

  • Thread starter Thread starter DevourU
  • Start date Start date
I looked and played around a bit with DSum. First I do not have a uniqueID.
This table is created from a make table query. I am also running Access
2003. Ideas?
GOT IT! Dang, this was not nice.
runsum: DSum("[stdcost]","partmast","[partno] <= Forms![ABC Inv

DevourU said:
Cancel taht, it does not work. Can I creat primary keys with a make
table query? TIA

Please post the SQL of your query. You can't directly set the primary
key with a make-table query, though there are SQL statements you can run
to do it. Are you saying that your table has no field or combination of
fields that can be used as a unique index? Maybe with a bit more
information we can give you better advice.
I appreciate the help, but this is kicking my butt. I gotta walk away for a
