running slow, hanging and keyboard issues! help

Dec 17, 2008
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Hi all, i joined today because its all going pear shaped! grrr.
Right so my main issues are:
pc running really slow, takes ages to load up programs.
every now and then the whole machine just freezes up (no jokes about it being winter please lol).
And most annoyingly when i'm typing the keys either stop working altogether, or its like i'm holding a key down when i'm not so i get this kinda of effect > 'annnnnoyyingggggggggg', or a key won't register so i get this kind of effect >
'cn somoe plase elp me'.
Its taken me 3 attempts just to get this far!

i recently had a virus that shuts down the pc with this message ' NT AUTHORITY SHTDOWN your pc will shut down in 60 secs', and then it does just that, i think i got it but not sure whatelse is going on?

Please help anyone....
Your system Specs/operating system are needed before anyone proceeds with any help my friend

Welcome to the Forum aswell
If the virus got far enough to play havec with your NT Authorities then oh dear.
Chances are that it's still there and unfortunatly the only REAL solution is a reload from scratch.
This is because it will be bound / protected into the O/S, you wont be able to manually remove the virus whilst in windows and the system will crash before it can do a remove after restart.
Other symptons you may observe.... slow internet, lots of svchost services running ..... usually your system has been turned into a mail zombie.