Compile an assembly from the command-line,
and reference the dll in any page you want to use it from.
In short:
You can compile the assemblies manually.
Open a command window ( cmd.exe ) and make sure that the .Net Framework
directory is in your path ( the .Net dir is where the vb and cs compilers are located ) ;
navigate to the directory where you have your .vb files, and run the compile command :
vbc /t:library /out:myFile.dll myFile.vb
myFile.dll will be created/compiled in the current directory.
Move the assembly to the /bin directory of your application and fire away.
If you want to have VS.NET use it, reference it in your project.
If you want to use C#, then the command line would be :
csc /t:library /out:myFile.dll myFile.cs
If you need to import .Net classes, include them in your command line:
vbc /t:library /r:system.dll /r:system.web.dll /out:common.dll common.vb
csc /t:library / /r:system.web.dll /out:common.dll common.cs
After you compile the assembly, call it in your .aspx pages with :
<%@ Import Namespace="YourClassName" %>
Now, you can reference your methods ( in the aspx page ) with :
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