I have written a win32 console application(exname1.exe) which runs for
ten minutes.I am calling this exname1.exe from another exe named
exname.exe using shellexecuteex.Now from exname.exe coding i have to
check whether exname1.exe is already running or not.How to find whether
a win32 console application is already runing or not from another win32
console application.I need only one copy of exe has to run(for that i
have already used createmutex in exename1.exe.But now i want to know
from exname.exe whether exename1.exe is running or not).How to find all
the processes or particular exe running in the computer using vc++6.0
I have written a win32 console application(exname1.exe) which runs for
ten minutes.I am calling this exname1.exe from another exe named
exname.exe using shellexecuteex.Now from exname.exe coding i have to
check whether exname1.exe is already running or not.How to find whether
a win32 console application is already runing or not from another win32
console application.I need only one copy of exe has to run(for that i
have already used createmutex in exename1.exe.But now i want to know
from exname.exe whether exename1.exe is running or not).How to find all
the processes or particular exe running in the computer using vc++6.0