Running Outlook Express with Task Scheduler



Would anyone be able to tell me the appropriate way of
setting up the Windows XP task scheduler to run Outlook
Express to check email? I have it setup but it seems that
when I receive large email messages either the standbye
mode takes effect and puts OE to sleep before it has
finished downloading, or; in other cases the task
scheduler, as I have to set to stop the program after 5
minutes, shuts OE down before it is able to finish
downloading all messages. I have tried everything to
resolve this including setting it up with different
intervals and end times. Could it be that OE is not meant
to be run by the task schedualer? Maybe someone here has
the know how to write an initialization string that I can
use in the advanced properties of the schedualers wizard,
maybe a string that would just run the procedure of
checking the mail and it would close when all mail is
downloaded. If you are to demonstrate this on your own
you will know exactly what I am trying to explain. Thanks
in advance for your efforts and please, if possible, reply
to my email address I have entered into this post, after
posting in the past I can never find my topic, always
seems to get nudged out by others. OK Thanks! Doug


You can't use Task Scheduler, but you can set OE to check for mail every 10+ minutes. Just start it when you start Windows and let it run in the tray. PS When you post, check "Notify me of replies" and you won't lose track.


Thank you for replying to my post in the community
bulletain board! However, I am not quite sure of what you
mean when you suggest checking "Notify Me Of Replies" - I
don't seem to be able to find where you are talking about,
I have tested it by attempting a post but was not given
the option of being notified of replies as I have been
with other groups, do I have to be a subscriber of

As for running OE with the Task Scheduler; it is possible
to run it to run as a matter of fact I have it set now to
run reliably every 60 minutes 24 hours a day, it is
configured in the tast mgr's advanced properties, the
problem is- when receiving large emails it closes the
program before the dl is complete throwing of the stand
bye mode or vice versa, if you are to try to set it up on
you own let's say every 30 minutes all day every day then
have the PC go into stand bye mode so that energy or
hardware is not wornm you will see what I am talking
about, it is possible. The point is that that I am trying
to have it wake the computer out of stand bye to have
outlook ckeck for new mail then when it has finished it
will then hang up the telephone connection freeing the
line and scheduler will shut OE down by default then after
15 mins the system will go into standbye until TS wakes it
for the next interval, it is kind of mind boggling to
figure out, but that is why I am asking for a second mind
to help troubleshoot the glitches. Does anyone these days
really use a computer for it's inteded purpose and not
just for internet chat and swapping emails and video
games? it seems whenever I ask people about somethink
other noone seems to know what I am talking about, as with
the Windows Backup utility, you ask someone about it and
they tell you they have no idead what it is.. what's up
are we in the middle of another technology revolution?????

OK that's it for now if you come up with anything in your
experiment let me know...

Thanks again
Newport, RI
-----Original Message-----
You can't use Task Scheduler, but you can set OE to check
for mail every 10+ minutes. Just start it when you start
Windows and let it run in the tray. PS When you post,
check "Notify me of replies" and you won't lose track.



You are really needing to put this into paragraphs. This is considered a
blurp post and not many people read them. In other words, you need white

Other than letting OE do its job natively: OE, Tools/Options/Check for new
messages every xx minutes, check with the OE groups.

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