Running more than one job at a time


Jan 31, 2005
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I've read a bit about this, including whats been said around here. Is there any real advantage in it?
This is indeed true, i just wonded because Me said he's running two and i just wondered if he had any better/faster results? TBH i dont even know how he doing it!
im only running 2 jobs because CPU usage when im only running one is low and im only using a little bit borwsing the web and listening to music, so whats left may aswell be used

if you want to try it then its simple enough

go into the control panel> general tab> then set the number of copies to 2, save it and it should start another job if not exit the program and start it again
ME Why is it not running at 100% then? i thought that was the norm?
Strange...... I always show 100% CPU usage when running a single unit, regardless of what else I'm doing on puter.

And just to reiterate, running FAD has NO adverse effect on any other program on your computer, it's designed to take second place and give way for all other apps, including games.
Flops said:
I always show 100% CPU usage when running a single unit, regardless of what else I'm doing on puter.

Same here? what are you doing different Me?
one job usually sits a about 50% when im browsing the web and listening to MP3's, with two running and MP3's im at 100%, no idea why, it was the same as UD, it would sit at 45-50% when i left the PC for half hour doing nothing :confused:

i should add that with one job and the MP3's playing im using aout 60% CPU, so i figured fire up another job for the other 40 or so %
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