In Addition to Luc's advice (which is how I do it for lines), if you do want
the dots to move along the same path, there are two things you can do:
1) Copy and paste the dot more than once AFTER you animate it. That way the
animation will be copied and pasted with the object. Then, set each of the
dot's motion paths to happen after previous with a slight delay.
2) Use the single dot, with repeats on the motion path. Once your path is
drawn, right click the animation and select timing. On the timing tab, click
the drop down for repeat. You can set it to repeat for a specific number of
times, until the next click, or until the end of the slide. If you really
want to make it cool, before you click the Effect tab. On this tab, make
sure the "Auto Reverse" box is checked. This will send the dot down the path
and back. Combined with the repeat, it will do what you want.
I tend to use not dots, but very small pointed stars for this, they look
more like what you want and shimmer better.
Bonus tip: Add an emphasis animation to the dot of lighten (or any small
change). Once you have added it, go to the timing and set it to happen with
previous, slow it down, and repeat it until either end of slide or next
click. (Don't use the numbered options unless you want to do an awful lot of
computations.... Why is left as an exercise for the reader.) Play the slide
and watch your dot come and go as it moves along the line.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived