Windows XP running downloaded game

Sep 29, 2008
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Hi, I wonder if there is anyone that can help? - I have just downloaded 'Lemmings' on my laptop which has windows xp. I do not seem to have the required file/programme to open file. Any ideas please? what I need and where to download from?

Many thanks!

Hi Vicki

Where did you download the game from..? What file is XP saying you don't have..Let me know this and i'll see what help I can give or what help others can give..

First, thank you for your very quick response.

I downloaded from a company called 'classic gaming presents'. Windows is not asking for a specific programme, it just asks me 'open with what?' and I don't think I have the relevant software loaded on my pc to open game.

Any ideas pls

Many thanks


Does the file you are trying to open look like a white bit of paper with a silver disc on it?

Or does it look like a computer or???
Can you right click on the file, go to properties and let us know the file extension or full filename please - primarily the bit after the dot, i.e. : filename.ISO :)
Hello again,

programme has downloaded, and when I click on 'Lemmings' icon on desk top it then asks me 'what do you want to open it with?' - that's where I get stuck. As for file name, etc. in properties it has 'type of file : windows installer package'

I await your reply

Many thanks

Hello again,

Also in properties under type of file, it has - Opens with : windows installer. When I have tried this it appears to install, then it does not open, which is why I thought I needed another drive for game.



Have you tried to re-download as sugested on the site?

Hi again,

I have downloaded twice. Man from Classic games suggested I needed Winzip installing, so I have downloaded Winzip. I now have Lemmings installed and Winzip. When I try to open with Winzip another screen appears asking for file names!

Do you think I should delete the lot and buy Lemmings on disk and load from disk drive!

Pls advise

Many thanks

Hello all excellent helpers!

Classic games have emailed me and are sending a copy in mail.

Many thanks to you all for your help

