Hello, GPOs can install a software by software installations (MSI Packages)
, How ever to exute an application. How ever I think you need take use of
the follow policies.
Run these programs at user logon (Computer)
(Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System)
Specifies additional programs or documents that Windows 2000 starts
automatically when a user logs on to the system.
To use this policy, click Show, click Add and, in the text box, type the
name of the executable program (.exe) file or document file. Unless the file
is located in the %Systemroot% directory, you must specify the fully
qualified path to the file.
Run these programs at user logon (User)
(User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon/Logoff)
Specifies additional programs or documents that Windows 2000 starts
automatically when a user logs on to the system.
To use this policy, click Show, click Add and, in the text box, type the
name of the executable program (.exe) file or document file. Unless the file
is located in the %Systemroot% directory, you must specify the fully
qualified path to the file.
This policy appears in the Computer Configuration as and User Configuration
folders as you can see. If both policies are configured, the system starts
the programs specified in the Computer Configuration policy just before it
starts the programs specified in the User Configuration policy.
Christoffer Andersson
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waldox said:
Good morning everyone.
We have pruchased a Inventory app that runs from the server at each
workstation. How can a GP be set so that it executes that app from each
client? I have never worked with these type of GPOs. Any link and\or
explanation will be greatly appreciated.