You need a web server, capable of running ASP.NET.
WebDev.WebServer.exe *is* a web server and it can run ASP.NET.
what files need to be included? (Exe, DLL, etc)
AFAIK, only WebDev.WebServer.exe.
You'll find it in the Windows\\v2.0.50727 directory.
There's also a WebDev.WebServer.exe.manifest file in that directory,
but I haven't witnessed any ill effects from not including it with the executable.
I haven't tested all scenarios, so you 'd do well to test it by copying
WebDev.WebServer.exe to a clean machine and checking out its functionality.
If you do that, please let us know how it went.
The command-line syntax for launching the Dev Server is :
WebDeb.WebServer /port:<port number> /path:<physical path> [/vpath:<virtual path>]
I've never been able to get the [/vpath:<virtual path>] parameter to work,
so you could try to do without it ( running the app in the root space ).
For example, you could launch the webserver using the following syntax:
start /B webdev.webserver.exe /port:81 /path:"c:\pathtoyourwebfiles"
You can set the port to any port number you want to (preferrably one higher than 1024),
but don't use port 80, as your clients might have a webserver at that port.
Finally, can I legally re-distribute the Development Server?
It's distributed with the .Net Framework 2.0 redistributable,
so I doubt that there's any onus related to its distribution.
Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
foros de, en español :
Norman Yuan said:
You need a web server, capable of running ASP.NET. The simplest way is to have IIS running (If
the computer runs on Win2K Pro or WinXP or Win2K Server, or Win2003).
Is the Development Server part of the .net 2x runtime package or
installed with one installs VS 2005? I wish to run a small web app on
a machine, with the runtime installed, and need to know if I need to
include the Development Server in the install. If the latter, what
files need to be included? (Exe, DLL, etc)
Finally, can I legally re-distrubte the Development Server?