Dkline said:
Here is an example. Currently I am building this query:
Function BuildSQLString_CumulativePremiumSummary(ByRef strSQL As
String) As Boolean
Dim strSELECT As String
Dim strFROM As String
Dim strGROUPBY As String
strSELECT = "SELECT [qry_cumulative premium].PolicyNumber, "
strSELECT = strSELECT & "Sum([qry_cumulative
premium].TransactionAmount) AS SumOfTransactionAmount "
strFROM = "FROM [qry_cumulative premium] "
strGROUPBY = "GROUP BY [qry_cumulative premium].PolicyNumber;"
strSQL = strSELECT & strFROM & strGROUPBY
BuildSQLString_CumulativePremiumSummary = True
End Function
The above function is being called here:
'qry_cumulative premium summary
strCurrentQuery = "qry_cumulative premium summary"
If Not BuildSQLString_CumulativePremiumSummary(strSQL) Then
MsgBox "Problem building SQL string in " & strCurrentQuery
Exit Sub
End If
'run the query
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qry_cumulative premium summary").SQL = strSQL
SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 5
Since there are no variables to be taken from a User Form, I'm trying
to avoid having code rewrite a query that doesn't need any changes
i.e. passing a date from the form as a parameter query.
But as this one is a query of queries, I believe I have to refresh it
after the underlying queries are run. BUT since this one is in turn
called by the next and final query, then can I assume that that query
will cause this query of queries to refresh itself?
I have a feeling you may be laboring under a misconception, or at least
an unusual use of the term "run" with respect to a query. Please bear
with me if my feeling turns out to be wrong. I note your comment in the
following code:
'run the query
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qry_cumulative premium summary").SQL = strSQL
That statement does *not* run the query. It just modifies its SQL.
It's not at all clear to me that you need to modify its SQL at all,
since in this code, at least, the SQL string you assign to it is static.
If that's the same SQL as was already in that query ("qry_cumulative
premium summary"), then there's no reason nor need to reassign it.
You also say:
But as this one is a query of queries, I believe I have to refresh it
after the underlying queries are run.
If I understand what you are saying, your belief is incorrect. As long
as [qry_cumulative premium] exists and has SQL that selects fields named
PolicyNumber and TransactionAmount, there is no need to "refresh"
[qry_cumulative premium summary].
When you talk about running the underlying queries, is that "running"
also a matter of updating their SQL, or are you opening them as
datasheets, opening recordsets on them, or executing them as action
queries? If all you did with the underlying queries was modify their
SQL, or if you did nothing with their SQL, then there can be no
refreshing to be done, because there are no query results held in
Let me give you an example. Suppose I have queries qryA, qryB, and qryC
defined in my database, as shown on the Queries tab of the database
window. Suppose that qryA takes a parameter, [Enter Policy No], used as
a criterion in a WHERE clause to select records for a particular policy
number. Now suppose that qryB extracts and maybe summarizes data from
qryA, and that qryC extracts and summarizes data from qryB. So we have
dependencies like this:
+-----> qryB
+-----> qryC
(maybe that diagram lined up for you, and maybe it didn't.)
Now, if I open a datasheet on qryC, Access will prompt me for the
parameter needed by qryA: [Enter Policy No]. That's because it needs
records from qryB, which needs records from qryA, which needs the
parameter. If I enter policy number 1234 in response to the prompt, I
will see the appropriate results for that policy number. I do *not*
have to open qryA, then open qryB, and then open qryC. The database
engine takes care of the business of figuring out which records from
what tables need to be extracted, and how to crunch them to get the
results needed by qryC.
If I close the datasheet on qryC and open it again, I'll get the
parameter prompt all over again. If I now enter policy number 5678, the
results I get from qryC will reflect the fact that qryA was filtered by
that policy number. I didn't have to refresh anything, just run qryC
Or suppose I open a qryA as a datasheet and specify policy number 1234
at the parameter prompt. If I now open qryC as a datasheet, it will
*still* prompt me for a policy number, and I can enter 5678 and get the
results from that policy number. It doesn't matter that I already had
qryA open with different results, because qryC is still going to call
qryB, and qryB is still going to call qryA *all over again*.
That's why I say that I don't think you need to refresh anything, or
rebuild the SQL of [qry_cumulative premium summary]. I could be wrong
about what you're trying to do, though; does my explanation tell you
anything you didn't already know?
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
(please reply to the newsgroup)