Ken Barz
I can use the windows "run" with the following command:
"C:\Program Files\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\sas.exe" -
sysin "c:\filetest\sas programs\spiroread.sas" -sysparm
where sas.exe is the application, the -sysin argument is
the SAS program to run, and the -sysparm argument is the
data it needs.
It runs great from the command line, but I've tried
following a few people's advice (to include that of the
SAS Institute) on how to get VB to run this, and I can't
seem to make it work.
Any ideas on what I need to do?
"C:\Program Files\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\sas.exe" -
sysin "c:\filetest\sas programs\spiroread.sas" -sysparm
where sas.exe is the application, the -sysin argument is
the SAS program to run, and the -sysparm argument is the
data it needs.
It runs great from the command line, but I've tried
following a few people's advice (to include that of the
SAS Institute) on how to get VB to run this, and I can't
seem to make it work.
Any ideas on what I need to do?