running a macro ina workbook that doesnt have that macro

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


I have written a macro that transfers data from one
workbook to other workbooks.I want to use this macro on
older workbooks that dont actually have the module.When i
try to use a toolbar button it opens the workbook that
does have the macro so upsetting the windows that i want
open to transfer the data.Is there a way?.I cant simply
call the workbooks by name because each workbook has a
unique number as a name.

If you put the macro in a file called personal.xls and save it in your
xlstart folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\XLStart) then

1. personal.xls will open as a hidden file each time you start excel
2. the macro will be generally available and the windows won't change.

Alternatively, you could save the file containing the macro as an add-in
(which never shows a window).

Robin Hammond
Robin when i save a xl file called personal in the folder
described below then excel starts with that file opened in
a maximised window even tho in the tools/options/general
the default file location is my documents.Could it be
related to the fact that we are on a network and we each
have our own settings????