If you mean use Windows Task Manager or some other scheduling software
to control this, the Command Line you need in the scheduling programme
is probably like this syntax...
"C:\PathToAccess\Msaccess.exe" "C:\PathToDB\MyDB.mdb" /x macroname
If you mean you want to run the macro at a certain time within Access,
you will need to assign the macro to the OnTimer event of a form which
is always open, and put a Condition in the macro such as...
Time()>#4:00:00 pm#
You will also need, then, to add another action to the macro, to
either set the TimerInterval of the form back to 0 so the macro
doesn't repeat, or else change the value of a check field somewhere to
indicate that today's run has taken place.
- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP