System specifics:
AMD x86-64
128 GB of physical memory
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 - 64-bit
kernel 2.4.21-47.ELsmp x86_64
8 cpus
I am trying to run a Java program that will take a lot of memory. In
one instance I give the system 90GB of heap space with:
java -Xmx90g JavaProgam
The program runs fine until top reports that it is using approximately
43GB and then it starts swapping. top reported about 62 - 63 GB total
used on the system (not sure what else is using the memory), but I
still have another 64GB. Why is the system swapping when I still have
memory? Do I need to do something to configure the system to use the
whole 128GB? Can one process use most of the 128GB?
AMD x86-64
128 GB of physical memory
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 - 64-bit
kernel 2.4.21-47.ELsmp x86_64
8 cpus
I am trying to run a Java program that will take a lot of memory. In
one instance I give the system 90GB of heap space with:
java -Xmx90g JavaProgam
The program runs fine until top reports that it is using approximately
43GB and then it starts swapping. top reported about 62 - 63 GB total
used on the system (not sure what else is using the memory), but I
still have another 64GB. Why is the system swapping when I still have
memory? Do I need to do something to configure the system to use the
whole 128GB? Can one process use most of the 128GB?