Running a console application through shortcut

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kiran
  • Start date Start date


I have created a .NET console application in C#. I have
installed on computer A. Then I created a short cut on
computer B. The application runs fine on Computer A. But
when I run it on Comptuer B, using the short cut, it gives
me a System.Security.SecurityException. I have checked the
permissions on the folders where the application resides.
Can any one suggest me, as what I should do, or what I am

Thanks in advance.
I have created a .NET console application in C#. I have
installed on computer A. Then I created a short cut on
computer B. The application runs fine on Computer A. But
when I run it on Comptuer B, using the short cut, it gives
me a System.Security.SecurityException. I have checked the
permissions on the folders where the application resides.
Can any one suggest me, as what I should do, or what I am

The shortcut points to a network drive and the .NET runtime security
policy (by default) disables code from running if it exsits on a network
drive. You need to adjust your security policy.

See my post from yesterday in the thread "Start a .NET assemby from a
network drive".
Thank you very much. This indeed worked.
-----Original Message-----

The shortcut points to a network drive and the .NET runtime security
policy (by default) disables code from running if it exsits on a network
drive. You need to adjust your security policy.

See my post from yesterday in the thread "Start a .NET assemby from a
network drive".

Patrick Steele
Microsoft .NET MVP