I was viewing a replay of my first multiplayer game of Company of Hero's
when I used Asus PC Probe II to turned off Q-Fan control.
I did this because the soundblaster/sound started to crackle... I thought
maybe the computer is getting to hot. As soon as I turned off Q-Fan
control to increase the CPU fan speed the computer shutdown.
I thought no problem... I ll reboot the computer and I ll go eat and later
I ll return etc. Then after I was done eating the computer was not
I pressed reset button, nothing happened. I shutdown the computer,
restarted it and I walked away and then I heard beep beep beep beep. I was
like WTF.
I walk back and the monitor is still all black no boot screen. I try reset
a couple of times... I finally decide to hold in the power button 10
seconds to shut it down.
I tried two reboots or so but nothing. Now the computer start sounding
real weird. I notice the rare case fan is not spinning. The computer is
making a really weird sound.
I am getting really worried... I was thinking "Oh my god, is my
motherboard half dead or something ?", "Was there a voltage peak in the
power ?", "Maybe this is a result of a power surge a month ago ?"
Man I was worried ! I opened up the powered on PC and I noticed the CPU
fan wasn't spinning. I thought: "Oh my god, that can't be good ?!" "Maybe
it's stuck or something."
I tried to get both fans spinning but no luck. I thought: "Maybe there is
something wrong with the power supply." So I turned off and on the power
supply. Still no luck.
I knew I had tightened all the cables recently. So I thought I better
check all cables, maybe some cable is kinda loose.
And yup ! It turned out the power cable was kinda loose ! It probably was
half in, half out. The computer wasn't getting enough power.
How this happened is kinda strange. I didn't notice it when I tightened
the cables.
Anyway I rebooted the computer and now all is working fine. It's kinda
amazing the system was not damaged, ofcourse I can't be sure yet, time
will tell
Anyway... this should ofcourse have never happened in the first place ?!
Normally the power connector "clicks-in"... but maybe the asus a8n32-sli
is missing a little edge on the power socket.
I noticed the little clip on the connector is not "clicked in". Maybe it's
not problem but still.
I am too tired now so I better not mess with my computer. Tomorrow I might
investigate further into this almost-would-be-nightmare.