runninag a program

  • Thread starter Thread starter Johnfli
  • Start date Start date


I have a GPO in place so that when people log in via TS, it starts a
particular program automatically. If they exit the program that is
started, it will log them out of TS.

This is working great (most of the time)

One of the things this program requires to run, is that a particular mapped
drive already be in place. I have a logon script that reads

net use h: \\servername\sharename

Most of the time, people don't have any problems. But for some strange
reason, once in awhile, the drive wont get mapped. Nothing in any of the
events logs is helpful. Sometimes I will get a message saying it can't find
the drive. Yet other users are logged in just fine at the same time. So
when the drive doesn't map, the user gets an error message saying it can't
find it, and the program doesn't start. about a minute later, it logs the
user out.

With that said, how can I force the drive to map BEFORE the program tries to
start? The location of this mapped drive, is the same machine as the
terminal server, so it isn't a network connectivity issue.
in your gpo, do you have the 'run login scripts synchronously' enabled?
i had the same problem with the mapped drive before a termserve app ran and
went away after enabling it
synchronously' ===== ummmm, where's that? Is that in the same area? I
will look now.
Ok, did that.
Even forced teh GP to update.
I still get the message saying that H:\temp is invalid for one particular

ANy ideas on how I can see if it's trying to map teh drive?
in the login script, after the last line, put the word pause
this will cause the system to wait for user interaction before continuing
that way if there is an error mapping h you can see it there instead of the
script window closing too fast
then you can take the pause statement out after
Well, this is getting annoying.
I did as you suggested. I forced the gpupdate.
I tried logging in, and I get the same error. Didn't see anythign about the
drive mapping or anything.
ok, I found teh setting to display the scripts. Now I can see them.
To make matters worse, now that I see the script run, it is telling me that
the drive is already mapped.
Now I am at a loss to think of what to do.
Sounds like at some time, the /persistent switch has been used.

Try this:
net use H: /delete
net use H: \\server\share

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
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