Runing an Alarm at a specified time



Dear All,
Sorry for asking again, i asked later how to run a sound file at a specified
time, then i asked again how to run a sound file at a specified time while
device is closed.
Now my question is: How could i run a sound file at a specified time (Prefer
not to use a timer) regarding the device may be opened or closed. the program
is like an alarm, notify the user when a specified time comes, ofcourse if
device is closed the sound also must run without opening the device (not to
reduce the battery power).
the problem that i have to make 6 alarms per 1 day, so how could i schedule
the program to run 6 alarms per 1 day while device is closed or openend?
Notes: i have the 6 times saved in program.
Sorry for the long message, but i hope someone help me in this issue.

Thanks in advance
Best Regards

Tamer Hesham

Peter Foot [MVP]

The same answer applies - CeSetUserNotificationEx or OpenNETCF.Win32.Notify
For the latter see Paul Tobey's example in the
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