rundll errors



Hi everytime I stat my computer it get this message:

Errorloading C:\windows\system32\wrvgiqpy.dll
The specific sould not be found.

And I can not remove some programs off my computer because every time that I
had tried it said, " I have rundll errors and system 32 cannot be found so it
can not delete it.

I got no idea what this is, but I had an adware in May 2008, so I had Macfee
remove the virus, but then I now have this problem and I got no way of
getting in touch with the virus removal team unless I pay for the services

Please if someone can help me in telling me what this is or how to get rid
of it so that I can remove some programs off my computer.

Brian Gideon

Hi everytime I stat my computer it get this message:

Errorloading C:\windows\system32\wrvgiqpy.dll
The specific sould not be found.

And I can not remove some programs off my computer because every time that I
had tried it said, " I have rundll errors and system 32 cannot be found so it
can not delete it.

I got no idea what this is, but I had an adware in May 2008, so I had Macfee
remove the virus, but then I now have this problem and I got no way of
getting in touch with the virus removal team unless I pay for the services

Please if someone can help me in telling me what this is or how to get rid
of it so that I can remove some programs off my computer.

This is a .NET Framework programming forum. You'll probably get
better answers in a more appropriate group.

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