runas command won't work

  • Thread starter Thread starter roger_val
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I'm working on a windows 2000 workstation as "guest" which has been made a
member of the "powerusers" group.
When I try to use "runas" (shift right click) I'm asked for the admin
password, but when I put it in, I get "access denied".
The "runas" service is running, and I'm typing the correct admin password
etc. Furthermore I can get this to work no problems on another w2k machine.
Has anyone got any suggestions as I'm baffled.
Thanks in advance,
roger_val said:
I'm working on a windows 2000 workstation as "guest" which has been made a
member of the "powerusers" group.
When I try to use "runas" (shift right click) I'm asked for the admin
password, but when I put it in, I get "access denied".
The "runas" service is running, and I'm typing the correct admin password
etc. Furthermore I can get this to work no problems on another w2k
Has anyone got any suggestions as I'm baffled.
Thanks in advance,

The facility is probably disabled because you're trying to invoke it from a
Guest account. Since guest accounts are easy to crack, it is not a good idea
to promote them to power user status. Much beter to create a dedicated
account and disable the Guest account. These humble commands will do it:

net user Roger abcxyz /add
net localgroup PowerUsers Roger /add
Sorry... I need to clarify my last post:
I forgot to add that when I successfully tried "runas" on another w2k
machine, it too was logged on as "guest" , with that user being a member of
the "power users" group. Both machines have a number of restrictions in place
(the same restrictions, of course) but "runas" will only work on one machine,
not the other.
Now you can see why I am baffled! [big grin].

Thanks again in advance,
roger_val said:
I'm working on a windows 2000 workstation as "guest" which has been made a
member of the "powerusers" group.
When I try to use "runas" (shift right click) I'm asked for the admin
password, but when I put it in, I get "access denied".
The "runas" service is running, and I'm typing the correct admin password
etc. Furthermore I can get this to work no problems on another w2k
Has anyone got any suggestions as I'm baffled.
Thanks in advance,

T h i s t h r e a d a p p e a r s t o b e t h e v i c t i m o
f s o m e n e w s g r o u p f i l t e r , w i t h s o m e ( o r
p e r h a p s a l l ) r e s p o n s e s g e t t i n g c e n s o r e
d . A d d i n g a f e w e x t r a s p a c e s b e t w e e n t
h e l e t t e r s s h o u l d f i x t h e p r o b l e m . . .

S i n c e G u e s t a c c o u n t s a r e e a s y t o c r a c k
, i t i s n o t a g o o d i d e a t o p r o m o t e t h e
m t o p o w e r u s e r s t a t u s . M u c h b e t e r t o
c r e a t e a d e d i c a t e d
a c c o u n t a n d d i s a b l e t h e G u e s t a c c o u n t .
T h e s e h u m b l e c o m m a n d s w i l l d o i t :

n e t u s e r R o g e r a b c x y z / a d d
n e t l o c a l g r o u p P o w e r U s e r s R o g e r / a d d
Pegasus said:
T h i s t h r e a d a p p e a r s t o b e t h e v i c t i
m o f s o m e n e w s g r o u p f i l t e r , w i t h s o m
e ( o r p e r h a p s a l l ) r e s p o n s e s g e t t i n g
c e n s o r e d . A d d i n g a f e w e x t r a s p a c e s
b e t w e e n t h e l e t t e r s s h o u l d f i x t h e p
r o b l e m . . .

If you're referring to your previous response in this thread, Pegasus, I
received it OK here. So the censorship may be more local to you.

I'm curious, has this been happening for long?
Sid Elbow said:
If you're referring to your previous response in this thread, Pegasus, I
received it OK here. So the censorship may be more local to you.

I'm curious, has this been happening for long?

It happens on an off at regular intervals, and not just to me. I had it
under OE and it now happens under WLM. I tested the phenomenon for a while,
then gave up. There must be some algorithm in some spam filter that
intercepts certain messages.
Pegasus said:
It happens on an off at regular intervals, and not just to me. I had it
under OE and it now happens under WLM. I tested the phenomenon for a
while, then gave up. There must be some algorithm in some spam filter
that intercepts certain messages.

Interesting. During the earlier thread we had about the batch file I had
a feeling that you hadn't read some parts of it ... perhaps this is what
was happening.
Good morning Sid and Pegasus,
I don't know why, but I can see a "mirror" of this entire thread appear on
the pcreview website in the UK. It's as if I've been posting this question to
their newsgroup as well (but I assure you I haven't been... only here at

And I'm still baffled by the problem I posted originally, and Pegasus, I've
read your suggestion. If you see my other post above, as I say there, I don't
think "guest" is the problem.

BTW, I've been "forced" to use the elevated "guest" account (with password),
because this computer is needed for several people to access their individual
email accounts with the company we work at. When they type in the web address
of the email server (or any web address) they need to type in a valid
username and password into Internet Explorer, and a company proxy server
somewhere grants that user access. In fact, to get to any other computer or
part of the network, they need a username and password aside from the "guest"
account. (I'm going to go right off topic here I fear... sorry.) If I use
"guest", Internet Explorer requests the username and password. If I use any
other "generic" name, IE doesn't ask, and the user simply gets denied. Ok, I
could have them log in to the computer using their actual usernames and
passwords, but that would involve me looking after several accounts instead
of one, and they'd all have to remember to change their passwords to keep in
sync (so to speak) with the proxy server... big PITA. So I went with guest.

But enough of that... have you any other ideas why runas works on one w2k
machine and not the other? Both within "guest" accounts, both with
restrictions (placed there remotely with poledit) but obviously I'm missing
something, and it's driving me nuts. :-)

Thanks again for your help,
Sorry, I have to pass. Since I have never worked with the Guest account I
have nil experience.

What you see on the UK web page is not so much a mirror but part of a
systematic copying process that many sites engage in. They fill their pages
with threads pilfered from Microsoft newsgroups, to be used as honeypots in
order to bump up their hits which increases their advertising revenue.