Makes me smile. The search is a good tip, but you have to do all this work:
1) grab the big heavy mouse
2) then point it to that cute little start button
3) and like digging ditches you have to click the mouse with deliberate
4) type into the search space with deliberate force the way Jelly Bean
From the "'things' you couldn't run a production machine without category":
If you type a single dot, two dots, or three dots into the run box in XP or
Vista you'll get different levels of Documents and Settings or Users in
If you type "telnet" (lose quotes) in XP you'll get
about 30 minutes of "Starwars" on your cmd prompt rendered in ASCIIcalled an
Ascimation (I guess that can survive the Crabby Offie Lady or whomever
MSFTies use as their censor). Telnet is default on in XP and many security
types quickly point out it the service is a security vulnerability so you
should turn it off when not in use for productive things like Starwars.
In Vista you have to do a workaround to install Telnet: There is a way to
install it - Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn on off windows feature ->
check telnet client
Telnet wasn't in 3.1, however 'Terminal' was, which you could bind to a port
for remote admin of unix workstations
Before the development of WWW OPACs telnet was the main way of accessing
online library catalogues. Some libraries still have only telnet access to
catalogues, while others offer a both telnet and WWW Opac interfaces.
You also can Right click taskbar>toolbars>address bar>make sure taskbar is
unlocked>slide out the address bar now in your taskbar via the seem there
and you'll have a combination run box and IE address bar in your task bar.
I find dragging the taskbar up to double it's width works best for the
buttons when I do this.
If Colin or anyone else finds a good set of run box commands for Vista (most
of the usual suspects work but there are differences as in helpctr.exe in
Win XP and helppane.exe in Vista I'd appreciate them.
Some Run Box shortcuts in Win XP:
Also I'm looking for a good directory for Vista services (beyond some of the
ambiguous descriptions that come up when you highlight them), and Vista
processes that come up in Task Man.