Run VBA Code From a Textbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matthew W
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Matthew W

I have a bit of an odd query but I have a textbox where a user can type (or
copy and paste) a macro from Word. I want this text to be inserted into my
VBA code at a specific point. Is this possible?

hi Matthew,

Matthew said:
I have a bit of an odd query but I have a textbox where a user can type (or
copy and paste) a macro from Word. I want this text to be inserted into my
VBA code at a specific point. Is this possible?
Possible yes, e.g.:

But this code wouldn't run, cause the object model is different in Access.

--> stefan <--
Hi Stefan
Thanks for your help. I'm not sure if my brain is working correctly but is
it saying that I can merge code into what I have already or something else? I
basically have a gap in my code at the moment where I need the code from the
textbox inserted.
hi Matthew,

Matthew said:
Thanks for your help. I'm not sure if my brain is working correctly but is
it saying that I can merge code into what I have already or something else? I
basically have a gap in my code at the moment where I need the code from the
textbox inserted.
I would try this:

Public Sub MyCode()

Call CodeFromTextBox

End Sub

Public Sub CodeFromTextBox()
' This method will be replaced.
End Sub

Then use the code from the link. First delete the method
CodeFromTextBox() then append it.

--> stefan <--
Hi Stefan
Thanks again for that. I have managed to implement half of it but I am
having problems creating a sub routine. Did you say that code wouldn't work
in Access?

hi Matthew,

Matthew said:
Thanks again for that. I have managed to implement half of it but I am
having problems creating a sub routine.
This works just fine:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Sub AddModuleToProject()

Dim Project As VBIDE.vbProject
Dim Component As VBIDE.vbComponent
Dim CodeModule As VBIDE.CodeModule

Set Project = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
Set Component = Project.VBComponents.Item("Callee")
Set CodeModule = Component.CodeModule

AddProcedureToModule CodeModule

End Sub

Sub AddProcedureToModule(ACodeModule As VBIDE.CodeModule)

Const DQUOTE = """" ' one " character

Dim LineNum As Long

LineNum = ACodeModule.CountOfLines + 1
ACodeModule.InsertLines LineNum, "Public Sub SayHello()"

LineNum = LineNum + 1
ACodeModule.InsertLines LineNum, " MsgBox " & DQUOTE & "Hello
World" & DQUOTE

LineNum = LineNum + 1
ACodeModule.InsertLines LineNum, "End Sub"

End Sub
Did you say that code wouldn't work in Access?

The code in a Word macro is using the Word object model. Take a closer
look at it. It can't work. You may try enclosing it into Word object, e.g.:

With myWord.ActiveWorkbook
End With

But you need to add a dot before each of the Word references:

Sub Macro1
Selection.TypeText Text:="test"
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
Selection.Font.Bold = wdToggle
End Sub

should look like

Public Sub CodeFromTextBox(AActiveWorkbook As Object)

With AActiveWorkbook
.Selection.TypeText Text:="test"
.Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
.Selection.Font.Bold = wdToggle
End With

End Sub

after your code injection.

--> stefan <--