Philip Martin
Hope someone can help on this. Having just finished the bulk of a new data
base, I'm just doing some tidying up and putting in some error checking and
wrong data entry loops. The following bit of code is driving me nuts! The
same bit of code, in the same module just before it works fine, all be it
looking at a different field within the table and it being numeric rather
than text. But every time I run this section I get the error code 2001 and
the message 'You cancelled the previous operation' ????
I have even commented out all the preceding code so only this section runs,
but still the same problem. I have also double checked the spelling of all
table references and they are exact.
If IsNull(Text0) Then
temp2 = "b"
GoTo Jump2
ElseIf IsNull(DLookup("[Surname]", "CustName", "[Surname]=" &
Forms!FindEditCusDeFrmt!Text0)) Then
temp2 = "b"
temp2 = "a"
End If
Any pointers would be most welcome.
Philip Martin.
base, I'm just doing some tidying up and putting in some error checking and
wrong data entry loops. The following bit of code is driving me nuts! The
same bit of code, in the same module just before it works fine, all be it
looking at a different field within the table and it being numeric rather
than text. But every time I run this section I get the error code 2001 and
the message 'You cancelled the previous operation' ????
I have even commented out all the preceding code so only this section runs,
but still the same problem. I have also double checked the spelling of all
table references and they are exact.
If IsNull(Text0) Then
temp2 = "b"
GoTo Jump2
ElseIf IsNull(DLookup("[Surname]", "CustName", "[Surname]=" &
Forms!FindEditCusDeFrmt!Text0)) Then
temp2 = "b"
temp2 = "a"
End If
Any pointers would be most welcome.
Philip Martin.