MS Access 2003 on XP PRO.
This code worked on 1 GB of RAM and now produces an error now that i have
4GB of RAM.
The Error is [[Run Time Error 3035 SYSTEM RESOURCES EXCEEDED]]
Any thoughts on what's going wrong?
Here is the code that the problem occurs on. <<<>>> indicates line where
error pops.
Private Sub cmd_SearchSpecific_Click()
Dim mydb As Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, tqn As String, parm As
DAO.Parameter, qdf As QueryDef
Set mydb = CurrentDb
tqn = "q_search_exact"
Set qdf = mydb.QueryDefs(tqn)
<<< For Each parm In qdf.Parameters >>>
parm.Value = Eval(parm.Name)
Next parm
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
If rs.EOF Or rs.BOF Then
MsgBox "Returned zero (0) results.", vbOKOnly, "Search Complete"
DoCmd.OpenForm "f_search_exact", acNormal
End If
End Sub
MS Access 2003 on XP PRO.
This code worked on 1 GB of RAM and now produces an error now that i have
4GB of RAM.
The Error is [[Run Time Error 3035 SYSTEM RESOURCES EXCEEDED]]
Any thoughts on what's going wrong?
Here is the code that the problem occurs on. <<<>>> indicates line where
error pops.
Private Sub cmd_SearchSpecific_Click()
Dim mydb As Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, tqn As String, parm As
DAO.Parameter, qdf As QueryDef
Set mydb = CurrentDb
tqn = "q_search_exact"
Set qdf = mydb.QueryDefs(tqn)
<<< For Each parm In qdf.Parameters >>>
parm.Value = Eval(parm.Name)
Next parm
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
If rs.EOF Or rs.BOF Then
MsgBox "Returned zero (0) results.", vbOKOnly, "Search Complete"
DoCmd.OpenForm "f_search_exact", acNormal
End If
End Sub