Run time error message???....Help!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter hoyos
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With the following code set in a userform:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

When ever I press commandbutton1 I get the following error message:

Run-Time '1004'
Application-defined or object-defined error

Any fix for this?
Hi Hoyos

I created 2 Userforms 1 with 2 command buttons,
and the other blank.
On UF1,
Command button 2 is the exit or close
Command Button 1 is used to call up a second Userform2

This is the code in UF1:-
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub

A code module opens UF1:-

Sub OpenUF1)
End Sub

This worked OK for me.
My guess is you do not have a Userform9. Open the VBE (Alt + F11). On the
left hand side of the screen should be the project explorer listing all of
the currently open workbooks including the one you are working on. In the one
you are wokring on do you see an object called UserForm9. As a guess it has
been deleted or renamed.
Thanks for answering my question.
I think I know what the problem is. on the left where you find the project
explorer, There is missing the following:
How do I insert it?
Hi Hoyos
Not sure where you are seeing missing "XYChartLabller".
However I suggest you try the following.
Go to VBA/Tools/References
There's a long list there.
Find the following 6 references and put a check mark against each.

VBA for applications
Microsoft Excel11 object library
Microsoft Office11 object library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 object library
Microsoft Visual Basib for Applications Extensibility 5.3

Then come out of VBA and go to your Excel worksheet.
On the Menu Bar select Tools/Add-Ins.
Put a check mark against the following 2 Add-Ins.
Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak - VBA

This may help
Hi Donwb,
Did all as you mentioned but still not working.
the "XYChartLabller" is on the Project-VBAProject window.
On the files that work it's included
On the ones that dont work that is missing.

I'll have a look at the rest of the VBA/Tools/References to see if it's there.
But many thanks for coming back to me.
I think I have found where the problem lies.
In the Add-ins avalaible window there should be a tick on "XY Chart Labeler
On the other computer with the copied file, that is missing.
Any ideas how to add it?

Install the xychartlabeller 7.0 add-in from Rob Bovey's site or copy it from
working computer to other computer.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
Is there a way to copy a file with "xy chart labeler" to another computer
without having to down load the add-in on the second computer?
You could copy only the xychartlabeller.xla from one computer to the other
and see if you get full functionalityt.

The download from Rob's site is an executable and has an install routine.

Entries are written to the Registry along with several files being copied to
a folder.

help, example workbook.xls, uninstall routine, xychartlabeller.xla among

Best to download and install by running the executable.

Only takes a minute or so and you will make sure the add-in is fully
installed and easily uninstalled should you decide.
