I'm getting this error when I choose a value in a combo box:
Run time error 2465
Microsoft Access can't find the field 'Subform_By_RCA' referred to in your
Como box is based on a separate table that lists RCA names. Subform_By_RCA
is based on a query set up using 3 tables, including the table RCA names used
in combo box. Could that be a problem?
Private Sub RCA_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Also I have this code for the UfterUpdate in the combo box:
Run time error 2465
Microsoft Access can't find the field 'Subform_By_RCA' referred to in your
Como box is based on a separate table that lists RCA names. Subform_By_RCA
is based on a query set up using 3 tables, including the table RCA names used
in combo box. Could that be a problem?
Private Sub RCA_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Also I have this code for the UfterUpdate in the combo box: