Run-time error for objects deletion

  • Thread starter Thread starter newbie
  • Start date Start date



I have made a list of option button. When I select a particular option, the
excel should identify and delete the previous object names starting with
"onstrfr". However, when it identifies the correct obj name "onstrfr", the
obj.Delete gives "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or
object-defined error".

I'll be grateful if someone can help me to solve this problem.

=== FROM Sheet1=======
Private Sub on3wdgtrfroption_Click()
Call Sheet2.Deleteonstrfr
Call Sheet2.OnshoreTrfr(myValue, 2)
End Sub

===From Sheet2========

Sub Deleteonstrfr()
Dim Obj As Object
For Each Obj In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SLD").Shapes
If Left(Obj.Name, 7) = "onstrfr" Then
MsgBox Obj.Name
End If
Next Obj
End Sub
Personally I restrict the subs in a worksheet module to events related to the
worksheet. All other subs I put in a standard module.

You might get some other views on this but I have seen lots of strange
things occur when you put subs that are not really related to the specific
worksheet in the worksheet module.

Put the called routine (Sub Deleteonstrfr) in a standard module and try it.
Thanks very much for your advice. The problem seems to go away after placing
the Subroutine in the standard Module.

Best wishes, Loy