Run-Time error '2455', was working then not?

Aug 24, 2006
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hello. I am developing a small database. I have my data in a few tables; and have a subform populate itself with a query on that table.

(Source Object Query.Employees Query)

I have this subform named "EmpSearch"

I have a textbox next to this form labeled "FilterTXT"

In the On Change even on FilterTXT, i have

Private Sub FilterTXT_Change()
 Dim strWhere As String
 With Me.FilterTXT
	If .Text = vbNullString Then
		strWhere = "(True)"
		strWhere = "[Name] Like """ & .Text & "*"""
	End If
 End With
 With Me.EmpSearch.Form
	.Filter = strWhere
	.FilterOn = True
 End With
End Sub

This worked previously to filter out data in the subform as I type; narrowing contents by the [Name]collumn; but after playing with other parts of the database for a period of time, and switchign development stations (Access 2003 before, Access 2000 now; is that the problem? both on XP) I now get the following error whenever I hit the On Change in the text box.

"Run-Time error '2455':

You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Filter."

Any recomendations on how I should go about fixign this issues? Thank you in advance for any help.