Need your help, following is my vb code throws error message during execution "Run Time error 2147217900 Syntex Error "
SQL = "insert into BSR62005 (part_I, srno, Item_code, Acc_type, Jun, sep, dec, mar) values ("
SQL = SQL + " '" & TxtMFBankerCode & "', '" & txtSr & "',val('" & txtAcCode & "'), '" & TxtAcType & "', '" & TxtJunAmt & "','" & TxtSeptAmt & "', '" & TxtDecAmt & "', '" & TxtMarAmt & "')"
DbConn.Execute SQL
but same query works OK if executed directly in access database
we had checked the DBConn connection string also
Need your help, following is my vb code throws error message during execution "Run Time error 2147217900 Syntex Error "
SQL = "insert into BSR62005 (part_I, srno, Item_code, Acc_type, Jun, sep, dec, mar) values ("
SQL = SQL + " '" & TxtMFBankerCode & "', '" & txtSr & "',val('" & txtAcCode & "'), '" & TxtAcType & "', '" & TxtJunAmt & "','" & TxtSeptAmt & "', '" & TxtDecAmt & "', '" & TxtMarAmt & "')"
DbConn.Execute SQL
but same query works OK if executed directly in access database
we had checked the DBConn connection string also