Dear All,
Kindly need your help about this matter :
1. I had excel macro below :
'copy worksheet
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("me.").Copy Before:=Workbooks("B.xls"). _
2. It worked at the first time, but at the second time it can not work
3. When I try to manually copy from workbook A to B, it can not be done too
Please help me to solve this problem, fully desperate this time
Thanks for your assistance
Kindly need your help about this matter :
1. I had excel macro below :
'copy worksheet
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("me.").Copy Before:=Workbooks("B.xls"). _
2. It worked at the first time, but at the second time it can not work
3. When I try to manually copy from workbook A to B, it can not be done too
Please help me to solve this problem, fully desperate this time
Thanks for your assistance