run time 3146 (odbc call failed) on second pass

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I'm having some problems and need help. The line below executes 1 time for
each detail line (creating distribution lines) - there are currently always 3
detail lines.

If PostDistribution(lngPostedTransaction, lngPostedDetail, TmpDetailID) Then

The first detail line goes through the following function correctly. The
second time, I get the run-tim 3146 ODBC call failed when it tries to open

Anybody have any ideas?



Function PostDistribution(lngTran As Long, lngDetail As Long, lngTmpDetailID
As Long) As Boolean
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim RSDistr As DAO.Recordset
Dim RSTmp As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLDistrTmp As String
Dim strSQLDistr As String
Dim blnTransOpen As Boolean
Dim strSQL As String

On Error GoTo Err_PostDistribution
On Error GoTo 0


blnTransOpen = True

strSQLDistr = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDistr"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set RSDistr = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDistr, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

'*** cycle through distribution ***
strSQLDistrTmp = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDistr_tmp" '** WHERE
fknTransactionDetail_tmpID = " & lngTmpDetailID ' & ";"
Set RSTmp = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDistrTmp, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

With RSDistr
Do Until RSTmp.EOF
If RSTmp.Fields("fknTransactionDetail_tmpID") = lngTmpDetailID
.Fields("fknTransDetailID") = lngDetail
.Fields("fknTransactionID") = lngTran
.Fields("dtPost") = Date
.Fields("ChargeAmount") = RSTmp.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("ChargeInvAmount") =
.Fields("TIGClaim") = RSTmp.Fields("TIGClaim")
.Fields("RMBillID") = RSTmp.Fields("RMBillID")
.Fields("dtDOL") = RSTmp.Fields("dtDOL")
.Fields("TranCode") = RSTmp.Fields("TranCode")
.Fields("PmtCode") = RSTmp.Fields("PmtCode")
.Fields("ExpenseCode") = RSTmp.Fields("ExpenseCode")
.Fields("BalanceAmount") = RSTmp.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("AppliedAmount") = 0
.Fields("TotPmt") = 0
End If
End With
Set RSTmp = Nothing
Set RSDistr = Nothing

blnTransOpen = False
PostDistribution = True

Exit Function

If blnTransOpen Then
' DBEngine.Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , Me.Name & " - " &
End If
PostDistribution = False

End Function
it ran into something it don't like. probably syntax.
what is that if statement doing?
-----Original Message-----
I'm having some problems and need help. The line below executes 1 time for
each detail line (creating distribution lines) - there are currently always 3
detail lines.

If PostDistribution(lngPostedTransaction,
lngPostedDetail, TmpDetailID) Then
The 'IF' statement in the routine is checking only for those distribution
items that pertain to that detail item (notice I had tried to do the "WHERE"
clause above and still got the same problem). When I debug and hover over
that field it shows the correct variables. if it was syntax why would it go
through the entire function correctly for the first detail item and then when
it starts to begin on the second detail item it errors out?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
And if you're talking about the "if" statement that calls the routine, that
is intended to check for errors but doesn't do anything else.

If PostDistribution(lngPostedTransaction, lngPostedDetail,
TmpDetailID) Then
End If
Here's the routine with the problem:

Private Function PostDistribution(lngTran As Long, lngDetail As Long,
lngTmpDetailID As Long) As Boolean
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim RSDistr As DAO.Recordset
Dim RSTmp As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLDistrTmp As String
Dim strSQLDistr As String
Dim blnTransOpen As Boolean
Dim strSQL As String

On Error GoTo Err_PostDistribution
On Error GoTo 0


blnTransOpen = True

strSQLDistr = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDistr"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set RSDistr = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDistr, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

'*** cycle through distribution ***
strSQLDistrTmp = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDistr_tmp WHERE
fknTransactionDetail_tmpID = " & lngTmpDetailID
Set RSTmp = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDistrTmp, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

With RSDistr
Do Until RSTmp.EOF
'If RSTmp.Fields("fknTransactionDetail_tmpID") = lngTmpDetailID
.Fields("fknTransDetailID") = lngDetail
.Fields("fknTransactionID") = lngTran
.Fields("dtPost") = Date
.Fields("ChargeAmount") = RSTmp.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("ChargeInvAmount") =
.Fields("TIGClaim") = RSTmp.Fields("TIGClaim")
.Fields("RMBillID") = RSTmp.Fields("RMBillID")
.Fields("dtDOL") = RSTmp.Fields("dtDOL")
.Fields("TranCode") = RSTmp.Fields("TranCode")
.Fields("PmtCode") = RSTmp.Fields("PmtCode")
.Fields("ExpenseCode") = RSTmp.Fields("ExpenseCode")
.Fields("BalanceAmount") = RSTmp.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("AppliedAmount") = 0
.Fields("TotPmt") = 0
'End If
End With
Set RSTmp = Nothing
Set RSDistr = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

blnTransOpen = False
PostDistribution = True

Exit Function

If blnTransOpen Then
' DBEngine.Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , Me.Name & " - " &
End If
PostDistribution = False

End Function

Here's the routine that calls the function above: (this was working just
fine - I just added the line that calls the function above and the lines to
get the new variables to pass to the function: TmpDetailID and

Function PostCharge() As Boolean
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsTarget As ADODB.Recordset

'Dim db As dao.Database
'Dim rs As dao.Recordset
'Dim rsTarget As dao.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim blnTransOpen As Boolean

Dim TmpDetailID As Long
Dim lngPostedDetail As Long

On Error GoTo Err_PostCharge
On Error GoTo 0

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

blnTransOpen = True

'lngPostedTransaction = Null
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransactions;"
'Set db = CurrentDb
'Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rsTarget = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic

With RS
.Fields("Source") = Forms!frmmainmenu!txtCurService
.Fields("ServiceType") = Forms!frmmainmenu!txtCurService
.Fields("SourceApp") = Me.SourceApp
.Fields("UserName") = CurrentUser
.Fields("ComputerName") = CurrentComputer
.Fields("dtImport") = Me.dtImport
.Fields("FileKey") = Me.FileKey
.Fields("dtSourceInvoice") = Me.dtSourceInvoice
.Fields("SourceInvoiceNum") = Me.SourceInvoiceNum
.Fields("fknClaimantsID") = Me.fknClaimantsID
.Fields("FileNum") = Me.FileNum
' .Fields("Source") = Me.Source
.Fields("dtReceived") = Me.dtReceived
.Fields("dtCompleted") = Me.dtCompleted
.Fields("dtCreated") = Now
.Fields("dtInjury") = Me.dtInjury
.Fields("dtToMD") = Me.dtToMD
.Fields("dtFromMD") = Me.dtFromMD
.Fields("ClaimNum") = Me.ClaimNum
.Fields("ReviewType") = Me.ReviewType
.Fields("ServiceRequested") = Me.ServiceRequested
.Fields("Determination") = Me.Determination
.Fields("fknAcctTypeID") = Me.fknAcctTypeID
.Fields("fknLocationID") = Me.fknLocationID
' .Fields("fknCompanyID") = Forms!frmmainmenu!CurCompany
.Fields("fknReferringSourceID") = Me.fknReferringSourceID
.Fields("RSContact") = Me.RSContact
.Fields("ynSpecRev1") = Me.ynSpecRev1
.Fields("ynSpecRev2") = Me.ynSpecRev2
.Fields("fknSalesRepID") = Me.fknSalesRepID
.Fields("fknPhysicianID") = Me.fknPhysicianID
.Fields("ynPeerPeer") = Me.ynPeerPeer
.Fields("AmtPeerPeer") = Me.txtPeerToPeerRate
.Fields("PhysRate") = Me.PhysRate
.Fields("fknInsCoID") = Me.fknInsCoID
.Fields("fknAdjusterID") = Me.fknAdjusterID
.Fields("fknEmployerID") = Me.fknEmployerID
.Fields("EmprTaxExempt") = Me.EmprTaxExempt
.Fields("fknPAEmployerID") = Me.fknPAEmployerID
.Fields("fknAttorneyID") = Me.fknAttorneyID
.Fields("Memo") = Me.Memo
.Fields("ClmtFName") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtFName, ""))
.Fields("ClmtMName") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtMName, ""))
.Fields("ClmtLName") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtLName, ""))
.Fields("ClmtAddress") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtAddress, ""))
.Fields("ClmtCity") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtCity, ""))
.Fields("ClmtState") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtState, ""))
.Fields("ClmtZip") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtZip, ""))
.Fields("ClmtSocial") = Me.ClmtSocial
.Fields("dtBirth") = Me.dtBirth
.Fields("ClmtSex") = Me.ClmtSex
.Fields("ClmtPhone") = Me.ClmtPhone
.Fields("ClmtOccupation") = Trim$(Nz(Me.ClmtOccupation, ""))
.Fields("BillingStatus") = 2 'Charge
.Fields("BillingAmount") = Me.frmCharges.Form!ChargeAmountTTL
.Fields("BillingBalance") = Me.frmCharges.Form!ChargeAmountTTL
lngPostedTransaction = .Fields("pknTransactionsID")
End With

'**Write charges list to tblBTransDetail
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDetail_tmp;" ' WHERE ComputerName='" &
CurrentComputer & "';"
' Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly)
RS.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDetail;"
' Set rsTarget = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
rsTarget.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic

With rsTarget
Do Until RS.EOF
If RS.Fields("ChargeCode") > 0 Then
.Fields("fknTransactionsID") = lngPostedTransaction
.Fields("dtPost") = Date 'Use today's date until invoiced
.Fields("ChargeCode") = RS.Fields("ChargeCode")
.Fields("ChargeType") = RS.Fields("ChargeType")
.Fields("PayDR") = RS.Fields("PayDR")
.Fields("ChargeSysDesc") = RS.Fields("ChargeSysDesc")
.Fields("ChargeInvDesc") = RS.Fields("ChargeInvDesc")
.Fields("ChargeAmount") = RS.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("ChargeInvAmount") = RS.Fields("ChargeInvAmount")
TmpDetailID = RS.Fields("pknTransDetail_tmpID")
lngPostedDetail = .Fields("pknTransDetailID")
If PostDistribution(lngPostedTransaction, lngPostedDetail,
TmpDetailID) Then
End If
End If
End With

'Delete Item from tblImport
If Nz(Me.fknImportID, 0) <> 0 Then
' DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblBImport WHERE pknImportID=" &
Me.fknImportID & ";"
cn.Execute strSQL
' DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL, False
' DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' Me.lstImports.Requery
End If

'delete from distribution
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblBTransDetail_tmp;"
cn.Execute strSQL
'delete from distribution
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblBTransDistr_tmp;"
cn.Execute strSQL

Set RS = Nothing
'Set db = Nothing

blnTransOpen = False
PostCharge = True

Exit Function

If blnTransOpen Then
' DBEngine.Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , Me.Name & " - " &
End If
PostCharge = False
End Function
Tom Brophy said:
I'm having some problems and need help. The line below executes 1 time for
each detail line (creating distribution lines) - there are currently always 3
detail lines.

If PostDistribution(lngPostedTransaction, lngPostedDetail, TmpDetailID) Then

The first detail line goes through the following function correctly. The
second time, I get the run-tim 3146 ODBC call failed when it tries to open

I'm sorry, but I don't understand. RSDistr is only opened *once* in
this code. RSTemp is only opened once. How can the OpenRecordset of
RSDistr fail "on the second pass", where there is only one pass over
that part of the code?

Are you saying it fails the second time the *function* is executed?

Anybody have any ideas?



blnTransOpen = True

strSQLDistr = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDistr"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set RSDistr = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDistr, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

'*** cycle through distribution ***
strSQLDistrTmp = "SELECT * FROM tblBTransDistr_tmp" '** WHERE
fknTransactionDetail_tmpID = " & lngTmpDetailID ' & ";"
Set RSTmp = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDistrTmp, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

With RSDistr
Do Until RSTmp.EOF
If RSTmp.Fields("fknTransactionDetail_tmpID") = lngTmpDetailID
.Fields("fknTransDetailID") = lngDetail
.Fields("fknTransactionID") = lngTran
.Fields("dtPost") = Date
.Fields("ChargeAmount") = RSTmp.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("ChargeInvAmount") =
.Fields("TIGClaim") = RSTmp.Fields("TIGClaim")
.Fields("RMBillID") = RSTmp.Fields("RMBillID")
.Fields("dtDOL") = RSTmp.Fields("dtDOL")
.Fields("TranCode") = RSTmp.Fields("TranCode")
.Fields("PmtCode") = RSTmp.Fields("PmtCode")
.Fields("ExpenseCode") = RSTmp.Fields("ExpenseCode")
.Fields("BalanceAmount") = RSTmp.Fields("ChargeAmount")
.Fields("AppliedAmount") = 0
.Fields("TotPmt") = 0
End If
End With
Set RSTmp = Nothing
Set RSDistr = Nothing

blnTransOpen = False
PostDistribution = True

Exit Function

If blnTransOpen Then
' DBEngine.Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Rollback
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , Me.Name & " - " &
End If
PostDistribution = False

End Function

I notice that the db object is neither closed nor set to nothing.
That's not good.


Chris O.