Run task before logging off?



I made some temporary changes to various security settings for a particular
purpose and know there is a danger I'll forget to reset them afterwards. Is
there any way you can get a reminder/task to run whenever you try to log
off/shut down which would prompt you to reset them?

Grateful for ideas.


simonc said:
I made some temporary changes to various security settings for a particular
purpose and know there is a danger I'll forget to reset them afterwards.
there any way you can get a reminder/task to run whenever you try to log
off/shut down which would prompt you to reset them?

The best way is to set a restore point before you change them. All you then
have to do is restore back to this point to restore normallity.

If you want to set yourself a reminder to do this, then just create a .txt
file with the reminder text and move it to

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

The text file will auto open in Notepad next time you startup and log in to
any account.

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