run script before "standby"

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i would like to run a script (either a batch file or some other script)
before windows enters "standby" mode. how would i go about doing that?
You can put it into bios. To do this find your bios
software program, add what ever you want, update your new
bios. if you make something wrong you may seriously
damege your system ( hardwares or operating system may
not work rigt )
Ozkan Aybay
theshadow27 said:
i would like to run a script (either a batch file or some other
script) before windows enters "standby" mode. how would i go
about doing that?

You can use the WMI class Win32_PowerManagementEvent to detect a
standby event.

Try the vbscript below and see what you get as result (put it in a
file with .vbs as file extension name). If it works ok, you can add
code to start an application/batch file depending on the event type.

Win32_PowerManagementEvent WMI class

A vbscript example (will loop forever until terminated):


Set colMonitoredEvents = GetObject("winmgmts:")._
ExecNotificationQuery("Select * from Win32_PowerManagementEvent")

Set strLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent
Select Case strLatestEvent.EventType
Case 4
MsgBox "Entering suspend."
Select Case strLatestEvent.EventType
Case 7
MsgBox "Resuming from suspend."
Case 11
MsgBox "OEM Event happened, OEMEventCode = " _
& strLatestEvent.OEMEventCode
Case 18
MsgBox "Resume Automatic happened"
End Select