Run Report with Checkboxes of changing Criteria

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beverly76
  • Start date Start date


I run a query that lists the individual names in a certain field
alphabetically and makes a table. Then a user can use a checkbox on a form
to indicate which of those names should be included in a report. The form
updates the table directly. Then when the report is run, a select query is
used to generate the final report.

The problem that I am having is that this was set up to only allow one
person access at a time and now I need to free it up for multiplue users. So
two people can end up in the same form at that same time trying to control
the same data.

I don't want to restrict access to the form to one at a time, but I don't
know a simple way to allow the user to check the information they wish to
include at the time of running the report.
The common approach is to split your database. Splitting means your tables
are usable by all users, normally by putting that portion on a LAN. The other
files are then loaded on each persons computer. The files on the server are
called the Back End (BE.) The files on each computer are called the Front End
(FE.) Allen Browne at, Joan Wild at and Albert
Kallal (you will have to google his address, I don't know it) all have
excellent tutorials.
Golfinray is correct that your database should be split, but even if it is,
in this case, the problem is the one table that mulitiple people would be
using the generate a report.

I would suggest you put the table in the front end to control the report.
That way, if more than one user were trying to run the report, they would not
interfer with one another. Now, this should not be your main data table, a
different table used only to control which people to include in the report.
Thank you. I'm glad you understood what I was asking. I'll have to figure
out how to use front end files. I'll use the tutorials you suggested.