Run MSAS from CD

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZILLA
  • Start date Start date


Maybe this has been covered a million times already ...
not sure.
I'm curious if MSAS can be run from CD, without being
installed on a host machine? (Not the "Real Time"
protection, of course, but the scan and remove features.)
Thanks in advance,
no it can run directly from the cd as the logic is simple
every exe program in windows is based on specefic dll
(dynamic link lib) which has some routines and procedure to
call exe file. these dll get regeisted in system , system32
some times we get error regsvr32 <myapp.dll> fail to
register module not found)

one has to manually register the dll.
cmd > regsvr32.exe / u myapp.dll
in admin mode...

but then also we can'nt figure out how many dll's are
interlinked with each other just for a single Executable
I'm not sure anyone has succeeded at this-although there've been some very
ambitious attempts. The need to do something like this--run from outside an
infected OS, for example, is being considered in the design of beta2. I
don't know what they will do but I do know this is a design area that they
are considering carefully.