Run .BAT file before debuging.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Boba
  • Start date Start date



How I can run script/.BAT file before the debuging is
taking place ?

Before the debuging I want copy files and delete/create
directories, Can I set something like that By
configuration ?

By configuration means that in Debug Mode the devenv will
run my .BAT file but in Release Mode it won't run it.

Boba said:

How I can run script/.BAT file before the debuging is
taking place ?

Before the debuging I want copy files and delete/create
directories, Can I set something like that By
configuration ?

By configuration means that in Debug Mode the devenv will
run my .BAT file but in Release Mode it won't run it.


Assuming you're using VS.NET, add a makefile project to your solution,
and have it execute your .BAT file (or put the commands you want
executed in the makefile itself) when you're performing a debug build.

If you're using VS.NET 2003, some of the project types (C# Console
application projects for instance) have a 'Build Events' set of
properties in the project's property page. You can invoke your batch
file there.

If you're not using VS.NET, you'll need to explain what build process
you're using.